Place of power

As a gift to all of you – dear star souls! For the first time in this era, we are discovering the points of the Planetary Places of Power, the Cities of the Gods of Shambhala! There are 42 Cities in this edition of the material level in Eurasia! The main ones are the paired Himalayan bases of Kailas and Everest!
May this knowledge bring good to all living beings!

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A unique interactive map has appeared on our website, where you can not only find out about their location, but also get acquainted with a brief description of each!


Crimean Shambala.
Places of Power of Crimea.

Central Shambhala. Kailash. Western Tibet.

Mount Kailash and the Gandishishan Range have been attracting people since ancient times with their energy anomalies, all the peoples who came to this area initially formed faith in the sacred Land of the Gods.

Polar Shambhala. Mountains Lovozero tundra and nature park Seidyavvr.
Lovozero tundra mountains and natural park
The Lovozero tundra is the second largest mountain range after the Khibiny on the Polar Kola Peninsula in the Murmansk region of Russia. The Lovozero tundra is one of the oldest mountains on Earth that is over 250 million years old. They are located in the center of the Kola Peninsula, beyond the Arctic Circle.

Dolmens of the Black Sea coast

Black Sea coast. Gelendzhik and Tuapse regions. The nearest airport is Gelendzhik, the nearest railways. station Novorossiysk and Tuapse. On the Black Sea coast, unique for Russia, there are unique archaeological sites of the Eneolithic (Copper-Stone Age). Thousands of ancient dolmens and burial mounds are scattered along the southern spurs of the Caucasus Mountains.

Photo and video materials about the dolmens of the Black Sea coast
Photo album: Exploration of the base of the Black Sea Shambhala in the Gelendzhik region
Resort rest and accommodation – Villa Sea bowl. Gelendzhik

Arkaim is an archaeological monument of the Bronze Age. Today, it is dated by various archaeologists to about the 22nd – 17th centuries BC. The fortified settlement of Arkaim is an ancient city center. Refers to the heyday of the “Country of cities” of the South Ural region of the Middle Bronze period. Located on the left bank of the Bolshaya Karaganka River at the confluence of the Utyaganka River, 2 km. east of the modern village of Aleksandrovsky.

Chests. Khakassia

Now “Chests” is the “Temple of the Sun” – an open-air museum-reserve. This unique geological object stands like a chain of five mountains, in the middle of a flat valley of the White Iyus River. From the last glaciation until the 70s of the 20th century, the valley around the Chests was swampy. The water line served as a natural defense for this Place of Power.

Ergaki. Natural Park. Siberian Shambala.

It is located in the South of Central Siberia, in the Western Sayan Mountains.
Ergaki is a mountain range after which the Natural Park is named.
The park has a total area of 3429 sq. km.
The name comes from the ancient Turkic word “fingers”, meaning the high peaks of the mountains, like fingers raised to the sky. The nearest major cities and airports are Krasnoyarsk 600 km, Abakan 250 km.


Shuldan Cave Monastery (Tatars. Echoing). Echoing) It is located north of the village of Ternovka near Sevastopol in the cliffs of a rock hanging over the Shulskaya Valley. It consists of a cave temple and about 20 more rooms, which are located in two tiers. In the photo – a view of the monaster.

Places of Power of Crimea

Trekhostrovskoye Ognevische – Sanctuary of the Aryans of the Bronze Age
Volgograd region, the village of Trekhostrovskaya, Holy Fire

Tanais is one of the largest open-air historical and archaeological museum-reserves in Russia (more than 3 thousand hectares).
Tanais – this word was left to us by the Greeks. So they called the “eighth river” in the country of the Scythians, “which flows into a remote corner of the Meotian Lake and separates Scythia from the land of the Savromats.”