President Federation of Universal Yoga and Found of Spiritual Culture. Russia.
President of the Dharma Center Drigung Kagyu. Russia.
International representative and honorary trainer of Jain Yogis.
He has the highest degrees of initiations in Tibetan Buddhist, Indian, Jain, Avesta Zoroastrianism, Egyptian traditions.
A practitioner who has studied and improved the methods of the main religions of the East and spiritual and health schools of our planet.
He has masters & representatives, branches in the regions of Russia and other countries.
The School has its own wellness spiritual training centers in Moscow, the Black Sea coast, and Arkaim.
Received the title of Doctor of Buddhist Philosophy in 2009 at the Institute of Higher Practices of Lamayuru Monastery (Ladakh, India) from His Eminence Sonam Jorfel Rinpoche.
Since 2008, he has been authorized to transfer all the techniques of the Indian Vedic Initiation system of the Yogi Tirthapada lineage from his teacher Acharya Kailasanathananda Swamikal Tirthapada. Since 2012, he has been a Yoga Acharya of Vedic practices “Indian Initiations”.
Since 2012 Intern. Master of Avesta Zoroastrism.
Born in 1973 in Moscow. Doctor of Philosophy, orientalist, writer. Director, cameraman, screenwriter, translator of films about the history and culture of the East. Since 1996, he has developed and led research ethno-cultural expeditions to the Himalayas, Tibet, India, Europe, Asia and Africa. At the head of the groups, he made twelve expeditions around Mount Kailas Tibet.
Our school has an active group of more than 100 Masters and many thousands of their students of Health Practices, which makes significant progress in world Spiritual Culture.
Evgeny has done experiments and published many scientific articles, several books on health improvement and human development. He has international Copyright certificates and Patents on Wellness methods.
Has more than a THOUSAND Initiations of different traditions. He has repeatedly been an organizer and translator of international groups to the HH Dalai Lama.
Based on the ancient technologies of Tibetan Lamas, by 2010 he had developed a methodology for the digital Diagnosis of Karma and Health. It is used with much advantage, success by thousands of students and masters around the world.
CONDUCTS CONSULTATIONS and Energy Correction to the population IN PERSON AND ONLINE in different cities of Russia, remotely at any distance.
The main Aim of consultations:
Finding peace in life, emotional balance, release from energy blocks, emotional stress;

energy therapy, cleansing, purification of karma of the genus, personal karma, chakras, biofield, restoration of organs, removal of negative settlements, programs and influences;
Cleaning of Apartments and houses (even at a distance).

healing of emotional wounds from relationships with the opposite sex, in the family, childhood psychotrauma, problems at school, in the team;
transformation of feelings of fear, guilt, shame, depression, jealousy, doubts, shyness, jealousy, feelings, removal of programs of failures, misfortune. Purification of mental nodes of karma.

gaining self-confidence, getting out of a depressed state, developing multidimensional awareness, deep meaning of life; regression into their past lives.

getting out of depression, panic attacks, anxiety, sleep disorders;

Help with health problems: cancer, autoimmune diseases, multiple sclerosis, arthrosis, diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular and neuropsychiatric diseases;

solving problems with nutrition: overeating, stress congestion; transition to balance in eating habits, transition to proper nutrition;

finding a partner for a relationship, getting out of the loop, untangling the knots of karma in personal relationships;

solving problems in the family, relationships with children;

issues with work: search, job change, job promotion, increase in cash flow, growth in professional self-realization;

Consultations on other issues of fate and health on request (from 5 tons)
CONDUCTS ONLINE TRAINING in the best traditional spiritual and health-improving psycho-ecological systems of the world in the following directions:
Tibetan Buddhism Initiations, Vedic Initiations, Zoroastrianism of the Avesta (In person), Egyptian initiations, etc., Energy-informational Diagnostics of Karma and Health.
Disclosure of clairvoyance, knowledge of past lives, superpowers, development of stellar qualities, longevity and good health are available to everyone!
Whatsapp, telegram applications by +79261082777